Tuesday, June 30, 2009

Edited Post

Well... by the title of this thing I have a lot on my mind and I don't know how much of it that I can type out. I guess we'll see how long this goes. Lucky you reading this. You can scroll through and see the length. Well me, as I write it, it just gets longer and I don't get the big picture until I'm done.
I prayed that God would help me to see that I am working for the Lord and doing my best for Him and not for the bosses who don't keep very good track of us. I have been praying and will continue to pray that God would help me to work hard in adversity whether others will or not. I want to get my paycheck and know that I really worked for all that. I need to learn to be grateful for every bit of cash I get. It is truly a gift from God. A missionary speaker spoke at my church last week and talked about how we need to give our rights away to God and fully rely on Him. If it wasn't for the grace of God, I could have no job and no money coming it at all. I'm just getting minimum wage, but I truly am thankful for that. Sometimes I feel like complaining and sometimes I do, but please pray for me that I'll see things through God's eyes. He is showing me how to be a hard worker anyways. So that's the work situation in a nutshell.

During this summer, us Campus Crusaders haven't been doing very many "Godly" activities. Not that what we have done is ungodly or anything, but we haven't been doing Bible studies and prayer and praise parties or anything like that and I really desire to do those things and to have small groups to discuss what God has been doing in our lives and any struggles we're going through. I chat with people about serious things now and then but praising God in a big group is so encouraging and exciting to see and I miss it. So I am going to try to encourage everyone to do it next week. It may even require being planned in advance rather than mentioning it on the spot to people. I guess time'll tell what will happen.

This next weekend, I get a 4 day weekend! It's the fourth of July on Saturday, and Friday I get a day off. Monday is optional, so I decided to take it off because I could really use a break from work as you can see.

So I made some phone calls today to some people who are away for the summer either just living at their homes or on CCC summer project. It's really exciting to see what God is doing in their lives and it makes me want to go next year on a summer project, so I'll be praying about that seeing if it's God's will that I do that or continue to work at the Heights. I talked to Robbie Beehler and he's doing some fun things like running some white water rafting and giving segway tours. How awesome is that for a summer job? Pretty Awesome. Alex Helmboldt talked to me for a couple of minutes but had to go so He's gonna update me later tonight or tomorrow. Last time I talked to him he was doing really well training to be Campus Crusade Staff. Titus Brown seems to be doing pretty good. He's been fishing a bit and workin' and stuff. Mike Baumgartner is not only doing excellent, but he's doing very excellent in his words. He is a man living for God and studying the word and growing more and more everyday and it's such an encouraging thing for me to see someone my age so passionate about God which we should all be! Man I gotta be reading my Bible some more!

So this summer I've gotten to meet some new people and have gotten to know them a lot better. These people would include especially Todd Krone and Brian Thompson but also Ian, Jamie, and Troy. We play volleyball a lot which I learned I really love although I'm not all that great and I think I frustrate them a bit when I'm not quite up to par with their standard. They're really nice about it though and encourage me rather than put me down. They give me helpful advice and I wish I could tell them how much I really appreciate them.

I am so thankful for all the amazing friends God has put in my life. I would love to name them all but I am sure that I would forget about someone, but if you are reading this and care about what I'm saying than you are definitely on the list!

Pray for me that I will be able to read my Bible much more than I do and that I would continue to work hard and trust God in everything I do. Pray that when some problem comes up that I'll pray first about it rather than trying to work it out on my own and praying as a last resort. It works so much better when I leave God in control! I've noticed that time and again! Thanks so much for reading. I guess there's a lot more I can say, but that's about all I've got for now. Catcha later.

Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cool Stuff

Well, I haven't posted in like... forever. I have a friend who made a new blog and it's really exciting to read. It's a blog where this friend chooses to be completely transparent and shows what God is doing in this friends life.

It's really exciting and gets me pumped up for God. I haven't been following him as close this summer as I was during the school year but I'm inspired to start something... or encourage others to have a prayer and praise party.

Oh man!!!! I totally just got a package in the mail and it was my orange iguanas T-shirt I ordered! I just put it on and it fits. I'm really excited about it.

Man I have so much more to say right now but I gotta go. My cousins are begging me to go do something. Later