Saturday, June 20, 2009

Cool Stuff

Well, I haven't posted in like... forever. I have a friend who made a new blog and it's really exciting to read. It's a blog where this friend chooses to be completely transparent and shows what God is doing in this friends life.

It's really exciting and gets me pumped up for God. I haven't been following him as close this summer as I was during the school year but I'm inspired to start something... or encourage others to have a prayer and praise party.

Oh man!!!! I totally just got a package in the mail and it was my orange iguanas T-shirt I ordered! I just put it on and it fits. I'm really excited about it.

Man I have so much more to say right now but I gotta go. My cousins are begging me to go do something. Later

1 comment:

  1. yeah, it has been forever since I've posted too...summer does that I geuss. I thought I'd have all the time in the world to post semi-daily - ha! Definitely keep pushing for a P&P P!
