Friday, September 4, 2009

Campus Crusade for Christ!

I am consumed with the joy of the Lord now that Cru is starting back up again! I've gotten to meet quite a few new freshmen and I get to see almost all of my old friends except those that graduated which I really miss. It's so encouraging to see so many attend our weekly meeting. I know that God is going to do great things on our campus this year as he did last year.

The cell group (Bible study plus fellowship, evangelism and good fun) I am in got a good turnup of 11 people with hopefully more joining next week! We already had a cell group social out to an old abandoned cheese factory for some adventure. The freshmen seem to really like it a lot too.

I was also able to finally contact Alex Helmboldt finally. For anyone reading who doesn't know, he was a former Campus Crusader at tech who I met in Florida on Big Break. Now he is going to be staff at another university. We talked about every week during the summer. For a long time... almost a month I think, I couldn't get a hold of him and I finally could and we had a really good conversation. It's sort of like discipleship over the phone really. We talk about important Godly things and it's a huge encouragement.

So anyways, Cru is back and running full steam ahead. Everyone seems so passionate this year! I guess that's all I have to say for now without boring you. This post is really short compared to most!

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