Sunday, March 29, 2009

Post 8: Busy, Busy, Busy...

Well, I had an awesome weekend at retreat. I love getting together with cru people and just hanging out and getting to know people better, but I most definitely also enjoy being challenged by the messages I hear and the group discussions! Some people were a little crazy and went jumping in the lake after they cut a hole in the ice... I do NOT handle cold temperatures well. If someone payed me $100 then I would have done it, but nobody offered. haha.

The only problem with retreat is that it usually means that you have a bunch of work to do when you get back to campus. As of me writing these words right now, it's 11:40 PM... make that 11:41. Time is just flying by. I still have to do at least linear algebra which is due tomorrow along with my mastering physics which is overdue that I cannot get greater than a 50% on now. I may do that tomorrow though, I'm not sure.

As for tomorrow, I have to wake up at 8:45, get ready in the morning, drive down at 9:25 so I can get to class by 10. My first class is Basic electronics till 11, then from 11 to 12 I have Physics. Then from 12 to 2 I have world cultures. From 2 to 3 I have Computer and Operating System Architecture, and from 3 to 4 I have Linear Algebra. After that I have a 1 hour break to eat and hopefully then is when I'll be able to do my mastering physics homework. At 5, I have a TNT planning meeting for Campus Crusade followed by a Socials team meeting at 6:30. At 7, I need to decide between either going to a freshman body evangelism outreach event planning meeting or going to Bible Study. Either one will probably go until 9 which is when Men's Leadership Bible study is. At 10 o'clock I need to register for classes promptly so I make sure I get into everything I need to get into. After Men's Leadership Bible study, I am gonna talk to a friend about some things and by the time I get home, it's sure to be at least as late as 11:30. At this point I'm going to wish I was dead... ok, so not really.

I actually quite enjoy my Monday's, but this one has the extra freshman body evangelism outreach event planning meeting thing and my class registration in addition to the usual hustle and bustle. I know God's gonna take care of me and bring me through it one hour at a time. I just hope I'll be able to stay away in my classes. I got very little sleep last night and I'll probably get very little sleep tonight because of the time it already is and knowing that I still need to start and finish my linear algebra. God is good though and he loves me and if I'm doing my best to serve Him in everything I do, then how could the day possibly be bad?

I think if you've been reading along with my blog, you'll realize that I'm a reflective learner which I think sort of makes it for a better read personally, but when I sort through the thoughts in my head, especially when I'm writing them out, I can take more out of it and learn more. I had to definitely pray about the ride situation with retreat and it did all work out. Everyone made it down ok and that's what matters. If I slightly annoyed some people with too many emails... well so be it. God knows my heart.

One of these days I'm going to write letters thanking certain individual people in Campus Crusade who have really made a big difference in my life. I really look up to many of them as Godly people who are living for God and by following their examples, I am learning to become more of a leader and to grow closer to God. Something God's shown me recently through others is that we WILL be persecuted for living for God. It's written plainly in the Bible. If we are wanting to pursue God, then we will be persecuted. If we're living comfortable easy lives, then we're not living the way we should be living. I would count it a joy to be persecuted. I don't say that to sound proud by any means. However, to know that I am serving God and have His approval (the only approval that truly matters), then if anyone else is against me, what have I to worry about.

I need prayers for guidance in my life. I continue to pray for wisdom, because I know in my own power, I make plenty of dumb choices, but if I rely on the power of the Holy Spirit living within me and truly have faith, then God will be able to do great things through me... things of which I want no credit for. I STILL have yet to be sharing the gospel. I MUST get out there and share with people. I find myself getting busy, but that's what the devil would like me to think.

Ephesians 6:12 says: "For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the powers, against the world forces of this darkness, against the spiritual forces of wickedness in the heavenly places." When our non Christian friends come up to us and try to make Christianity look bad by twisting it around or by referring to horrible examples of Christians and defining Christianity by them, we need to realize that we're not fighting with Jesus against them. Rather we are fighting for them to escape the blinders of sin and to see the light which is in Christ Jesus.

I have so many more thoughts and things to talk about, however, it is now 12:01 on Monday morning and I need to get to work on my homework. Thanks for taking the time to read this if you have. It can be quite a mouthful sometimes.


  1. I'm glad retreat went's always great to build relationships in that way and it seems easiest sometimes by living together. And wow, you're looking a little swamped tomorrow! I know one thing a friend gave me advice about that I really like is just to spend time with God during the highest points of stress. Yes, we need to study and get work done, but at a certain point, there's nothing we can really do anymore but give it to God and let him take care of the rest. I make that sound so easy, but it's one of my biggest struggles for sure.

  2. wow....your mondays are crazy!!!!!
    my schedule doesnt even compare
    i really liked your idea about writing letters to people who have made a difference in your walk with Christ (like people from Crusade..I might steal the idea!)
