Friday, January 15, 2010

A poem for an Atheist

I am in a creative writing class this semester. My teacher is an atheist, but apparently has a decent amount of Biblical knowledge. I think he's been turned off by hypocrisy of the "Christians" he knew. He didn't see them emulating Christ as we should as Christians. We have to keep a writers journal of creative writing every day and he challenged us to write a limerick, a sonnet, among other poetry types.

Now poetry isn't really my preferred avenue of communication, at least not typical formal types, but I figured in all of these poems, I would try to put a Biblical focus on them so if he ever reads them, he'll at least be more exposed to God in some way. I was thinking back to a story of mine where God showed me the answer to one of my questions, and after about an hour, I was able to put the story a little bit into sonnet form.

By the way, the sonnet is referring to Luke chapter 12:22-34, so you should check that out. Here it is:

I wonder what it is that I should eat.
The cash I have is for gas on the road.
Should I pass on gas and walk on my feet,
or take a chance that my car might get towed?

I read my Bible and what should I find?
In the gospel of Luke, I saw the Light,
on the subject at hand, so intertwined,
my answer was stated, so clear and bright.

I then gave my worries to God above.
He will take care of me, Why should I fret?
My Lord who is Sovereign is Lord of Love.
In choosing to trust Him, there's no regret.

Lord, help me to serve you some way, I pray;
Make me your servant to someone today!

I don't know if he'll ever see this poem, but in doing the assignment, I got a chance to meditate on God and how we truly can trust Him. My friend Devin also just posted a blog about not worrying and trusting God, so it was really neat.

1 comment:

  1. This is awesome Nate that you got this chance to talk about God in your work! This is a really good poem too! That's pretty sweet man! :)
